Features & Benefits

Innovative Business Solutions

Real Time Data

Tresmark provides real time data for local and global markets in a low latency environment covering most major markets and asset classes.

Traders appreciate speed, interface and array of tools to make their trading more profitable.

Live Technical Analysis

Real time data integration with technical analysis with over more than 150 studies

Business News

Never miss actionable news. Market moving news from around the globe. Info Hub ensures that you never miss any news about your trading instruments.

Real Time Portfolio

You can create your own portfolio of equities, currencies, commodities and other asset classes and monitor your portfolio value in real time. You can view these from anywhere and at anytime.

Trexcel - Live Excel

Trexcel is the bridge to push live data in to Excel. You can make your models or portfolios in excel and feed them with live data. Get a grip on your environment when markets catch fire. Excellent for Financial Risk Managers and Portfolio Analysts.

Essential Tools

Multiple tools to assist your trading, including graphs, technical analysis, news, alerts, history and calculators.
100% cloud computation, No software installation, no backups required.

Historic Rates

More than 20 years of history available in a simple Excel download.

Research Report

Comprehensive, insightful, actionable research reports on economy, capital markets and forex.

Data Forecast

Forex and macroeconomic projections up to 30 years can easily be computed for budgeting and forecasting.


Reduce Trading Spreads

Reduce trading spreads by having access to the professional interbank and OTC markets. Lower spreads mean increased profits for you.


Thanks to effortless and real time mark-to-market intraday and End of Day portfolio valuations and risk management analysis, your productivity and insight are increased manifold.

Sensible Interface Intuitive Layouts

Layouts are easy to configure with more space for what you want to view. All instruments can be singled out for real time monitoring.

100% Cloud Computing

No softwares installed, no backups required. Cloud based environment gives more power to your terminal and syncs with all your devices.